Join the Lab!

Interested in working with us? See below for more information for prospective students and post-docs


We often have grant-funded opportunities for post-docs, but we are very open to sponsoring prospective post-docs who come with external funding. We encourage post-docs to consider sources like the NSF post-doc program (varies from year to year in topic and focus), the Smith Fellows program, and for international applicants, programs from your country or region (such as the Marie Curie program for EU citizens) and others.

Graduate Students

Graduate students in the lab are admitted through UW’s Biology program. The Biology program is a strong and dynamic program with an interesting and motivated group of graduate students. We are interested in recruiting students who:

  1. Are excited about the topics on our research page
  2. Feel they would work well in our environment, given our lab philosophy (see above)
  3. Interested to develop their quantitative skills in terms of ecological statistics and/or modeling (any mathematical background is welcome as long as you are motivated to develop these skills) We are particularly enthusiastic about recruiting students who broaden diversity and representation in science, from a number of perspectives. See our diversity statement above for more on this. While each doctoral student is expected to develop her or his own research project, it should be somewhat related to the projects listed in our research page. Interested prospective graduate students should contact Dr. Brosi via email at with their research interests, reasons for pursuing graduate school, and a current CV.

Undergraduate Students

We welcome undergraduate students with an interest in scientific research and the environment, a strong work ethic, and excellent academic track record to join the Brosi lab. We are particularly interested in students who have an academic interest in ecological research, but many of the students who have worked in our lab have gone on to do other things.

We generally ask a commitment of a minimum of six hours per week, and strongly prefer students who will also make a long-term commitment to a longitudinal experience in our lab—that is, students who are interested to stay for several semesters and preferably for the remainder of their college career. Freshman and sophomore applicants are preferred, but we are open to students at any stage of their college career. We are very open to hiring eligible students through Work Study.

We are particularly enthusiastic about recruiting students who broaden diversity and representation in science, from a number of perspectives (including economically disadvantaged students). See our diversity statement above for more on this.

In addition, students from any university can apply to work with us at the Rocky Mountain Biological Laboratory via their summer REU (Research Experiences for Undergraduates) program. Interested prospective undergraduate students should contact Dr. Brosi via email at detailing why they are interested in joining the lab. Please include a current transcript and a current resume.