Annie Colgan

PhD Student

Broadly, I am interested in how to keep ecosystems healthy in the face of change. In my research, I study how and when short-term plant and insect responses to environmental variability (including physiological, phenotypic, and behavioral responses) affect the long-term dynamics of plant-pollinator communities. In practice this involves counting flowers, catching pollinators, and developing mathematical and statistical models. In addition, I conduct education research to identify and counteract barriers to the success of underrepresented students in biology. Before starting at UW, I worked with the USGS at the West Glacier field station in Montana. I have also done research (mostly plant ecology) in the Colorado Rockies, the White Mountains in New Hampshire, and in the Arctic. In addition to science, I like tea, community, and people-powered transportation (bikes, skis, hiking boots etc.).

Updated December 2023


Middlebury College (2016-2020)

Middlebury, VT

B.A. in Biology


Georgia L.D. Murray, Anne M. Colgan, Sarah J. Nelson, Eric P. Kelsey, and Kenneth D. Kimball. 2021. Climate Trends on the Highest Peak of the Northeast: Mount Washington, NH. Northeastern Naturalist 28(sp11):64-82.


Posted on:
January 1, 0001
1 minute read, 179 words
See Also:
Lab Alumni
Manogya Chandar
Chris Anderson